This is safe wallet, where you can Deposit, Withdraw and Move funds to another user wallet within Crypto Gyani platform. 

Select Coin

Error while rendering the balance shortcode with its default template in /home/ User with ID 0 does not have wallets!
Error while rendering the deposit shortcode with its default template in /home/ User with ID 0 does not have wallets!
Direct Deposit
Error while rendering the deposit shortcode with its list template in /home/ User with ID 0 does not have wallets!
Error while rendering the withdraw shortcode with its default template in /home/ User does not have the has_wallets capability!
My Transactions
Error while rendering the transactions shortcode with its default template in /home/ User with ID 0 does not have wallets!
Move funds to another user
Error while rendering the move shortcode with its default template in /home/ User does not have the has_wallets capability!
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